Should You Buy Travel Insurance?

“Would you like to add a travel insurance plan to your purchase” is a question that has become as common as “would you like to add some fries to your order.” Each time, you book a flight or a hotel room, rent a vehicle or buy a tour package, you are plagued with the dilemma of whether you need travel insurance or not. Most people depend on their instinct and decide not to because they are safe and cautious travels. However, instincts are often a poor decider. Accidents and mishaps don’t happen with a prior warning and can take place any time. Read on to find out if you should buy a travel insurance or not.

The Importance of Opting For A Travel Insurance

Should you opt for travel insurance depends on various factors. For example, if you’re planning to travel to a far off place, where you need to rent a vehicle, stay at a pre-booked hotel and the changes of accidents are very high. A travel insurance policy acts like a security blanket that protects you from any unexpected losses you may incur.

Travel insurance plans are usually available in packages. They cover various aspects of travel including conveyance, accommodation, medical and personal losses. However, you can also opt for la carte packages that offer coverage on only the things you want. Though these policies are cheaper, you don’t save a lot of them.

Change is inevitable and there are many times when you need to change your vacation plans. This includes cancelling tickets, booked rooms and other travel packages you may have opted for. And it is no secret that cancelations can also cost you a lot of money these days. To keep you losses at a minimum, you should invest in a travel insurance policy.

Many medical insurance policies don’t cover you when you’re traveling abroad. If you policy is one of these, a travel insurance is a must for you. When you’re in a foreign land, it is very important that you take all precautions to avoid any unfortunate incidents.

If you’re robbed while traveling or lose your passport and need an immediate replacement, having a travel insurance policy can make things a whole lot easier. Not only can you get an immediate replacement for your passport, you can also arrange for money to continue with your travel plans.

Losing your luggage or missing your flight are two common occurrences while traveling. These not only cause a lot of inconvenience but may also lead to heavy losses. Having a appropriate insurance policy can take care of all these problems.

Everything You Should Know About Travel Insurance

The first thing you need to know is the various types of insurance policies and the ones that best suit your requirement. For example, if you already have a medical insurance that covers medical emergencies even when you’re abroad, you don’t need to opt for a travel insurance that includes medical benefits. Similarly, why opt for a plan that covers hotel accommodation when you plan on staying with a friend during your trip.

Always buy insurance from reputed companies. Their claiming processes are simpler and you get your money back faster. Smaller companies sometimes tend to have more paper work and it could be months before you receive your claim. Moreover, reputed companies tend to offer better insurance policies with more benefits and coverage.

The internet is a great place to look for travel insurance policies. You have various websites that allow you to compare more than one policies, highlighting the pros and cons of each one of them. This also gives you a clearer idea of what such an insurance is going to cost you and how many of them are within your budget.

Travel agents and the yellow pages are two other ways to buy travel insurance, though they’re not always the most recommended options. Travel agencies generally offer insurance plans when book tickets or hotel rooms through them. They’re usually affiliated with an insurance company and sell you only their policies. This might not always be the best option for you so it is necessary to chose wisely.

Life is filled with unforeseen incidents. Having a travel insurance plan ensures a safe trip and complete peace of mind.